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Spanking News: Revenge On The Laughing Girl

Posted by on March 18, 2016

Spanking News: Revenge On The Laughing Girl

Finally Mood Pictures are back in business with regular releases of extreme caning videos and hardcore spanking movies. After a long period of silence from the Hungarian Punishment porn masters they are back with real venom. A poor slave girl called Lori is whipped and caned to tears, covered in deep cane marks and biting marks of the whip in the new film Revenge Of The Laughing Girl reviewed at if you are in the mood for extreme spanking action


This is not a gentle erotic spanking film. This woman is subjected to one of the hardest whippings we have seen. See the movie trailer and samples from Mood Pictures – Revenge On The Laughing Girl to see just how extreme these girls go when given the power to torture another woman.